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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - wrap


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См. в других словарях

  1. сущ. обертка, оберточная бумага 2. гл. обертывать, завертывать, заворачивать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. обыкн. pl. (теплый) платок, шаль; широкий шарф; палантин; накидка, пелерина (меховая и т. п.) 2. обыкн. pl. плед, одеяло 3. pl. верхняя одежда 4. обертка, оберточная бумага; упаковка 5. pl. сдержанность 6. pl. покров тайны; секретность to take off wraps —- рассекречивать the plan was kept carefully under wraps —- план был строго засекречен 7. спец. дуга обхвата 8. окутывать, укутывать (также wrap about, wrap around, wrap up) to wrap a child in a shawl —- завернуть ребенка в шаль; укутать ребенка шалью he was wrapped up in a blanket —- он был закутан в одеяло 9. обертывать; завертывать; упаковывать wrapping paper —- оберточная бумага 10. окутывать; охватывать; обволакивать (чем-л.) wrapped in mist —- окутанный туманом wrapped in flames —- охваченный пламенем wrapped in slumber —- погруженный в сон 11. скрывать (также wrap up) the affair is wrapped in mystery —- дело это окружено тайной 12. (также wrap about, wrap around, wrap round) наматывать; обвивать; навивать; наматываться; обвиваться; навиваться ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  over перекрывать WRAP up  а) кутаться;  б) завершать; давать краткое заключение WRAP  1. noun  1) шаль, платок; меховая пелерина; одеяло, плед  2) обертка  2. v.  1) завертывать, сворачивать, складывать, закутывать (часто wrap up); to wrap oneself - тепло одеваться  2) окутывать, обертывать (round, about); to wrap in paper - обернуть бумагой - wrap over - wrap up - wrapped up in ...
Англо-русский словарь
  накрутка; накручивать – alpha wrap – head wrap – omega wrap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  обмотка (напр. трубопровода) обёртывать, обматывать ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) обёрточный материал 2) обёртка; упаковка обёртывать; упаковывать 3) виток (напр. рулонной полосы) 4) метал. закатывать кромки 5) намотка наматывать 6) накрутка, соединение накруткой (проводов) соединять накруткой (провода) 7) петля (лентопротяжного тракта магнитофона) 8) вчт. преобразование ненормированного операнда в нормированный с отрицательным порядком 9) обхват (киноплёнкой зубчатого барабана) 10) обкрутка игл нитью (в процессе вязания) 11) трик. платировка - alpha wrap - bias wrap - column wrap - core wrap - diagonal wrap - die-fold wrap - end-fold wrap - moldable wrap - omega wrap - sleeve wrap - spring wrap - tape wrap - twist wrap - underfold wrap - wire wrap ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. (wrapped, wrapping) 1 (often foll. by up) envelop in folded or soft encircling material (wrap it up in paper; wrap up a parcel). 2 (foll. by round, about) arrange or draw (a pliant covering) round (a person) (wrapped the scarf closer around me). 3 (foll. by round) sl. crash (a vehicle) into a stationary object. --n. 1 a shawl or scarf or other such addition to clothing; a wrapper. 2 esp. US material used for wrapping. Phrases and idioms take the wraps off disclose. under wraps in secrecy. wrap-over adj. (attrib.) (of a garment) having no seam at one side but wrapped around the body and fastened. --n. such a garment. wrapped up in engrossed or absorbed in. wrap up 1 finish off, bring to completion (wrapped up the deal in two days). 2 put on warm clothes (mind you wrap up well). 3 (in imper.) sl. be quiet. Etymology: ME: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to cover especially by winding or folding  b. to envelop and secure for transportation or storage ; bundle  c. enfold, embrace  d. to coil, fold, draw, or twine (as string or cloth) around something  2.  a. surround, envelop  b. to suffuse or surround with an aura or state the affair was ~ped in scandal  c. to involve completely ; engross — usually used with up  3. to conceal or obscure as if by enveloping  4. to enclose as if with a protective covering  5. to finish filming or recording ~ a movie  intransitive verb  1. to wind, coil, or twine so as to encircle or cover something  2. to put on clothing ; dress — usually used with up  3. to be subject to covering, enclosing, or packaging — usually used with up  4. to come to completion in filming or recording  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a.  (1) ~per, ~ping  (2) material used for ~ping plastic ~  b. an article of clothing that may be ~ped around a person; especially an outer garment (as a coat or shawl)  c. blanket  d. a treatment for the care of the skin in which material (as hot wet cloth or seaweed) is ~ped around the entire body; also this material  2. a single turn or convolution of something wound around an object  3. plural  a. restraint  b. a shroud of secrecy a plan kept under ~s  4. the completion of a schedule or session for filming or recording  III. adjective  Date: 1923 ~around 1 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (wraps, wrapping, wrapped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When you wrap something, you fold paper or cloth tightly round it to cover it completely, for example in order to protect it or so that you can give it to someone as a present. Harry had carefully bought and wrapped presents for Mark to give them... Mexican Indians used to wrap tough meat in leaves from the papaya tree. ? unwrap VERB: V n, V n in n • Wrap up means the same as wrap. Diana is taking the opportunity to wrap up the family presents. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 2. Wrap is the material that something is wrapped in. I tucked some plastic wrap around the sandwiches to keep them from getting stale. ...gift wrap. N-UNCOUNT: usu supp N 3. When you wrap something such as a piece of paper or cloth round another thing, you put it around it. She wrapped a handkerchief around her bleeding palm... VERB: V n around/over n 4. If someone wraps their arms, fingers, or legs around something, they put them firmly around it. He wrapped his arms around her. VERB: V n around n 5. see also wrapping 6. If you keep something under wraps, you keep it secret, often until you are ready to announce it at some time in the future. The bids were submitted in May and were meant to have been kept under wraps until October... PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to wind or fold cloth, paper etc around something  (a present wrapped in shiny paper | wrap sth around sth/sb)  (Ella wrapped a thick coat around her shoulders. | wrap sth/sb in sth)  (Wrap the cake in tin foil.) 2 if you wrap your arms, legs, fingers etc around something, you use them to hold it  (Chloe sat with her arms wrapped round her knees.)  (- see also wrap sb in cotton wool cotton wool (2)) wrap up phr v 1 T wrap something up) to completely cover something by folding paper, cloth etc around it  (I haven't even wrapped my presents up yet!) 2 to put on warm clothes  (wrap up warm/well)  (Make sure you wrap up warm - it's freezing outside.) 3 T wrap something up) to finish or complete a job, meeting etc  (The police will soon be wrapping up the investigation.) 4 be wrapped up in your children/work etc to give so much of your attention to your children, your work etc that you do not have time for anything else  (- see also twist/wrap sb around your little finger finger1 (13)) ~2 n 1 a piece of thick cloth that you wear around your shoulders 2 AmE plastic used to cover food 3 keep sth under wraps to keep something secret 4 the end of a day's filming  (OK everybody, it's a wrap!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hosp. abbr. Wellness Recovery Action Plan environ. abbr. Waste Reduction Awards Program environ. abbr. Waste Reduction Award Program U.S. gov. abbr. Workfare Research and Advocacy Project mil. abbr. Warfighting Rapid Acquisition Process gen. bus. abbr. Web Ready Appliances Protocol gen. bus. abbr. Waste Reduction Awards Program ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: UNDER WRAPS. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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